Queensland and Northern Territory
Queensland Children’s Activities Network (QCAN) (NOSHSA Secretariat)
Yagara Country
66 Woodend Rd, Woodend, QLD 4305
Web page: www.qcan.org.au
Email: info@qcan.org.au
Phone: 1300 781 749
New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory
Network of Community Activities
Suite 6, 88 Mountain St, NSW 2007
Email: network@networkofcommunityactivities.org.au
Phone: (02) 9212 3244
Website: www.networkofcommunityactivities.org.au
South Australia
OSHCsa (South Australia)
Postal address: PO Box 55, Klemzig SA 5087
Email: oshcsa@gmail.com
Website: www.oshcsa.org.au
Community Child Care Association (Victoria)
Wurundjeri Country
306-308 Bell St, Preston
Victoria, Australia 3072
Telephone: (03) 9486 3455
E-mail: reception@cccinc.org.au
Internet: www.cccinc.org.au
Western Australia
Outside School Hours Care WA (Inc.)
Email: OSHCwa@gmail.com
Website: www.oshcwa.com
Join your State/Territory Association
NOSHSA is a federated alliance with representation across Australia. NOSHSA's State and Territory Associations are the recognised peak body's for OSHC in each of their jurisdictions. Peak bodies are recognised by governments as being able to provide pertinent advice and recommendations on behalf of their members. NOSHSA is recognised as the Australian Peak for OSHC by Education Council. The membership bases in each of NOSHSA's jurisdictions includes both small and large providers.
With you as a member, the lobbying power of NOSHSA increases dramatically. Together, our membership and voice can change policy. This is our combined strength.
How can you make the difference?
Be a part of this Australia wide organization by joining your State/ Terrritory OSHC Association now.
Attend meetings and network with colleagues.
Pass on your views to your Association so your concerns can be heard and acted upon.