How does NOSHSA work?
NOSHSA is the National Outside School Hours Services Alliance. Established in 1993 NOSHSA is an alliance of the peak Out of School Hours Services Associations in each State and Territory in Australia. NOSHSA is committed to Out of School Hours Services, their children and the families who use the services. There is no individual membership. The members are the individual peak bodies for Out of School Hours Services in each State and territory.
NOSHSA is a voluntary body so all action it instigates is as a result of the actions carried out at a grassroots level by the members in the states and territories. In taking action NOSHSA must seek approval and where possible consensus with members. Where there is a diversit of views these are respected and reflected in the advocacy work undertaken by NOSHSA.
Services who are members of their State/Territory Association have a national voice on Out of School Hours Issues through NOSHSA.
Represent the interests of the OSHC sector in Australia
Promote OSHC as a distinct and unique service type.
Act as an advisory and consultative body for Government.
Lobby and Advocate for the services and service users of OSHC centres.
Facilitate Networking between organizations and professionals with shared interests.
Raise the Profile of OSHC in Australia.
Analyse and Make Recommendations on Government Policy
Promote Planning and Development within and for the sector
Kylie Brannelly
Kylie Brannelly is the Chairperson of NOSHSA and Chief Executive Officer of the Queensland Children’s Activities Network (QCAN). Kylie's involvement in the Education and Care Services sector has spanned more than 20 years.
As NOSHSA's representative for OSHC on the Australian Government CCS ITRG, Kylie is able to provide sector specific feedback for OSHC. Previously Kylie has participated in the steering committee overseeing the development of My Time, Our Place, the Ministerial Advisory Council and National Children's Services Forum.
Kylie holds a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood), Master of Education (Special Education) and has an ongoing commitment to professional learning and development evident in her research interests.